- Using your Search Orders?
- Go
to Your Search Orders panel:
- 1st fill
in your project location,
- 2nd select
type of construction area: Commercial or Residential?
- 3rd select trades that
are: Locally, Statewide, Nationally?
- 4th
select how many of each trades, do you want to view?
- 5th
Touch or Un-touch trades & services that
you want a list of?
Ex: If you see: Wallpaper Hangers
in GRAY, means there's none available at this time.
If you see: Wallpaper Hangers in BLACK, means trades are available,
then all you have to do, is Touch it and it will turn Blue, Wallpaper
Hangers or Un-touch it and it will turn back Black.
- Finally,
Just push the "Submit for List of Trades" button below.